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Table 1 Evolution of the strategies in the TEEL Platform over the semester

From: Learning dialogs orchestrated with BookRoll: effects on engagement and learning in an undergraduate physics course


Pedagogic strategy

Content elements based on LeD

Objective of the strategy

Technology–Pedagogy Integration


Reflection Spot


Blended mode (pre-COVID lockdown)

Lecture focus (L)

Face-to-face lecture (synchronous)

BookRoll Activity of Clarification Spot—Students generate memo related to their conceptual queries (Asynchronous)

Face-to-face Feedback sessions to clarify common misconceptions/queries

To support student reflection

The Reflection Spot is operationalized in an asynchronous manner, where students note their queries as memos in BookRoll. The LAViEW tool helps the teacher to aggregate this so that a feedback session can be planned for clarifying the queries

Problem-solving focus (P)

Face-to-face lecture (synchronous)

Bookroll Activity of Reflection Spot—Students do problem-solving through BookRoll Memos (Asynchronous)

Face-to-face Feedback sessions to cover common solution approaches

To help student to micropractice

The Reflection Spot focuses on micropractice and hence require students to note their solutions as memos. The LAViEW tool helps the teacher to aggregate this and identify the common solution approaches taken by them. Subsequently a feedback session is conducted for discussing these approaches

Online mode (during COVID lockdown)

LeD focus (L + P)

Online lecture

Two type of BookRoll Activities:

1. Doubts posted during clarification Spot

2. Micropractice of solutions at Reflection Spots

Feedback is provided during the same session for both queries and problem solutions

To engage students in reflection and also allow micropractice

The reflection spot integrates both students reflection and micropractice through BookRoll Memos. The teacher is able to look at the aggregate response in LAViEW and provide feedback in the same session