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Table 1 Main topics covered in the English class during the study

From: The effects of an online student question-generation strategy on elementary school student English learning

Unit number/title


Sentence Pattern


1: Do you see any lions?

Lion, elephant, tiger, pig, snake

How manyā€¦ do you see?

Smā€”small, smart

Snā€”snack, snake

Swā€”sweater, swing

Do you see any ā€¦?

Yes, I do.

No, I donā€™t.

2: Look! Thereā€™s an elephant.

Big, small, clean, dirty, long, short

It looks ā€¦

They lookā€¦

Skā€”skirt, sky

Spā€”spoon, spider

Stā€”star, stairs

There is a ā€¦

There are ā€¦

3: I feel tired.

Excited, tired, sick, bored, sleepy

How do you feel?

I feelā€¦


How do you feel?

I feel ā€¦

I want to ā€¦