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Table 5 Examination programming quiz

From: Student placement and skill ranking predictors for programming classes using class attitude, psychological scales, and code metrics


Examination sentence


Create a program that computes the sum of natural numbers from 1 to 100 and outputs it to the display. Do not use mathematical formulas.


Create a program that calculates the sum of squares from 1 to 100 and outputs it to the display. Do not use mathematical formulas.


Create a program to calculate a sequence of numbers (Fibonacci numbers & F(0)=0, F(1)=1, F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2)) where the program terminates when F (n) exceeds 10000.


Create a program to calculate a sequence of numbers (Tribonacci number & T(0)=0, T(1)=0, T(2)=1, T(n)=T(n-1)+T(n-2)+T(n-3)). where the program is terminated when T (n) exceeds 10000.


Create a program to generate 1000 Java random numbers with natural numbers between 0 and 100. Display their maximum value, minimum value, and average value.


Create a program that displays the number of bills (10,000 yen, 5,000 yen, 1 thousand yen) and coins (500 yen, 100 yen, 50 yen, 10 yen, 5 yen, 1 yen) needed to pay the random amount entered on a keyboard. The solution should use the fewest bills or coins possible.


Create a game to hit a randomly generated integer between 0 and 999. When the user inputs a value smaller than the correct answer, display “it is smaller than the correct answer”. When the user inputs a value larger than the correct answer, display “it is larger than the correct answer”. If the user does not answer correctly after 10 attempts, display “Game Over”.


Please indicate the execution result of the following three programs: e.g. for(char c=’A’; c<=’Z’; c++) System.out.print(c); System.out.print("\n");