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Table 2 Example of social or cognitive skills and indicative behaviours for exemplar tasks in Laughing Clowns and Olive Oil (adapted from Care et al. 2015)

From: Pair interactions in online assessments of collaborative problem solving: case-based portraits

CPS elements/subskills

Indicative behaviour

Evidence of data

Laughing Clowns

Olive Oil


Interacts with the partner

Presence of chat before allowing the partner to make a move

Presence of chat before allowing the partner to make a move

Audience awareness

Adapts contributions to increase understanding for the partner

Number of ball moves attempted before stopping and waiting for the partner to move or respond

Presence of info exchange on individual container states

Resource management

Manages resources

Realises that balls are meant to be shared and uses only allotted half

(Not observed)


Identifies connections and patterns between elements of knowledge

The two students come to an agreement on how their machine works

Presence of chat exchanging information when A or B recognises the significance of his or her jar containing only 1 l

Reflects and monitors

Adapts reasoning or course of action as information or circumstances change

(Not observed)

Learning from redundant activities, such as A moving jar to bucket


Arrives at the correct answer

Identifies connections and patterns between elements of knowledge

Last action requires B’s jar to contain 4 l of oil