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Table 3 Summary of learning variables

From: Measuring Behaviors and Identifying Indicators of Self-Regulation in Computer-Assisted Language Learning Courses



1. Number of completed quizzes

The number of quizzes a student has completed

2. Total access time (h)

The total hours spent on accessing learning materials

3. Reviewing time

The total hours spent on reviewing learning materials

4. Score of completed quizzes

An average score of all quizzes which a student has completed

5. Anti-procrastination

A degree of how early a student completes quizzes

6. Irregularity of study interval (days)

A standard deviation of study intervals

7. Pacing

A count of the number of quizzes which are completed as assigned

8. Mid course point

The exam point in the spring semester

9. Final course point

The exam point in the fall semester