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Table 1 Result of tests

From: Comparison between behavioral and structural explanation in learning by model-building




Delayed post-test

Simple main effect of test

Increase between pre and post-test

Increase between post and delayed post-test

Increase between pre and delayed post-test

Structural explanation (n = 8)




F = 23.783

t = 4.764

t = 1.701

t = 6.465




p < .01**

p < .01**

p < .10

p < .01**

Behavioral explanation (n = 9)




F = 7.039

t = 1.604

t = 2.246

t = 3.850




p < .01**

p > .10

p < .05*

p < .01**

  1. p < .10, *p < .05 and **p < .01
  2. This is the average scores of tests and the result of statistical analysis. In two-way mixed ANOVA of 2 (explanation: structural/behavioral) × 3 (test: pre-/post-/ delayed post-test), because the interaction of the factors was significant, we tested the simple main effect of each factor. As a result, the factor “explanation” was not significant while the factor “test” was significant (test(structural): F = 23.783; p < .01, test(behavioral): F = 7.039; p < .01). Multiple comparison revealed the following facts: In the structural explanation group, there were significant differences between pre- and post-test (p < .01) and between pre- and delayed post-test (p < .01). In the behavioral explanation group, there were significant differences between post- and delayed post-test (p < .05) and between pre- and delayed post-test (p < .01)