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Table 2 Functional skills and behaviors for the three conditions (during breaks, lessons, and school events)

From: Comparing videos and a 3D virtual environment for teaching school-related functional skills and behaviors to students with ADHD or developmental dyslexia, displaying challenging behaviors: a case study



A. Functional skills/behaviors during breaks

I walk calmly in the schoolyard.

I play with my schoolmates following the rules of our game.

If I have a disagreement with my classmates, I talk to them about it.

If I can’t find a solution to the disagreement, I ask for the teachers’ help.

B. Functional skills/behaviors during lessons

I enter the classroom and sit down calmly.

I take my books out and I wait for the lesson to begin.

I raise my hand if I want to participate or if I want to answer a question.

I wait for my turn before I speak.

C. Functional skills/behaviors during a school event

I enter the assembly hall before the event starts and I sit down.

During the event I watch/listen carefully.

During the event I try to be quiet.

At the end of the event I clap or cheer, and I leave the assembly hall calmly.