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Table 3 Examples of verbal interactions during class-wide discussions on identifying salient findings in images

From: The use of learning dashboards to support complex in-class pedagogical scenarios in medical training: how do they influence students’ cognitive engagement?

Very modest interaction

More worked-out interaction


“Please mark in this pa- and lateral view the pathologic findings.”


“Please mark in this pa- and lateral view the pathologic findings.”


In the learning dashboard the hotspot diagram (Fig. 1) shows that several normal anatomical structures are marked. The supervisor does not however ask why students think these structures are pathologic


Student poses question based on lateral view of chest radiograph

Transcript of discussion of frontal view:

T: Most of you have seen that over there something wrong (pointing to area). T: what structure is marked over there (pointing to area)? S: aortic arch. T: aortic arch. And something down below, a rib or something. But most of you have seen that something in this region is wrong. A pleural effusion but we already discussed that.

Transcript of discussion on lateral view:

T: A lot have marked the lung hilus, but a lot of you have also seen that below there was this pleura effusion.


S1: what are those lines? T: you mean these ones that run downwards (pointing to structures)? S: Yes. T: This question I will pose to the group. What are these lines? S: vessels. T: There are a lot of vessels, for instance there and there (pointing to structures). But these lines are much to fine for vessels. Vessels are like that. S: a structure from the heart, the pericard. T: the pericardal bag contains fat and is thereby a homogenous structure on radiologic images. So you can't separately distinguish the pericard. You need air somewhere, an air-tissue contrast to be able to distinguish it in a radiograph. T: fine smaller than 1 mm thick structures that run in this way down, and that way down? S: nerves. T: No, nerves can be found in the mediastinum. S: fissures. T: exactly that are the borders of the pulmonary lobes. The fissures. They are a bit pronounced probably because they contain some fluid.

  1. Observations and transcripts of video recordings task that was discussed in the group together with the introductory text line of this question. It is followed by a description of the observed activity and finally by a verbatim text of the dialogue (T tutor, S1-n one individual student, Ss more students simultaneously)