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Table 5 Planning: mediation recommendations for interactive serious games

From: Mediation criteria for interactive serious games aimed at improving learning in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Planning: mediation recommendations

The game requires a mediator

M4/Ask children why.


M4/Ask children what they think about precision and what it means.


M5/Ask about the causes and their relation with consequences.


M6/Encourage children to think aloud.


M6/Ask what they would do differently and about other ways to solve the problem.


M7/Ask children to justify their answers.


M7/Ask children to explain the difference between their responses and those of other children.


M8/Ask them about the object of the game.


M8/Ask them about the strategies used to achieve the object of the game.


M9/Ask children to tell you what new things they have done and what they have created.


M9/Ask children to compare with others in order to discover what is new in their answers, and to accept changes.


M9/Ask children what new principles could apply to new situations.


M10/Ask children about the classification and what this classification implies.


M10/Ask children about other possible classifications or criteria.


M11/Ask children about the results that they expect.


M11/Congratulate children when they answer correctly.


M11/Encourage children when they answer incorrectly.