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Table 4 Problems seen in DBR cycle 1, a potential reason for the problem, and redesign step

From: Geneticus Investigatio: a technology-enhanced learning environment for scaffolding complex learning in genetics

S. No.

Problems seen in DBR cycle 1

The potential reason for the problem




Low effect size in the first question which evaluated learners understanding of the breeding context and corresponding hypothesis

Learners were unable to comprehend the questions

Revision of the first question statement in the pre- and post-test for better understanding


Low effect size in the question of calculating the predicted value.

The calculation of independent assortment is seen in a dihybrid cross which is a more suitable topic for GI

Change of topic from monohybrid to dihybrid cross


Low effect size in the question of transferring to a new context

In most of the curriculum topics, the model organism under consideration is a pea. The learners had too much prior knowledge.

Change of model organism from pea to drosophila

Interaction with GI


Learners struggled in predicting the result of the breeding experiment in GI

Difficulty in interacting with the interface and missing appropriate feedback

Incorporation of a video explaining the concept of Punnett square and change in the interface where a learner can draw the table with the required number of rows and columns (Fig. 9)


Learners struggled to calculate the chi-square value in GI

The interface had a fixed number of rows and columns, and feedback was in the form of correct and wrong answer

The chi-square calculating interface was integrated into the video explaining why, what, and how of Chi-square. Users can draw the table for calculation with the required number of rows and columns for calculation (Fig. 10)